


Here at Emmanuel, we aim to inspire all children to be ambitious in Geography and have a desire to learn about the world in which they live, taking them from an understanding of their local area to countries far away! Developing a fascination in and a care for the world in which they live is a central aim of our Geography curriculum.  

Geography is a subject packed with excitement and wonder, a subject in which children address challenging issues from across the world and helps them to better understand its people, places and environments. Geography also helps us understand how and why places are changing, and to better imagine, predict and work towards better futures.

We want our Geography curriculum to support children in developing a core body of knowledge, key skills and vocabulary. We have well-chosen topics to study within the National Curriculum and have precisely identified what we want our children to learn. We have made opportunities to revisit and deepen key concepts, building on prior knowledge and moving Geographical skills forward in a linear way.


Geography Intent and Implementation


Geography Intent and Implementation


Long Term Plan


Long Term Plan


Progression In Disciplinary Knowledge


Geography Progression in disciplinary knowledge


Geography Concepts


Geographical Concepts Spiralisation


Substantive Knowledge and Vocabulary Progression Documents for Each Year Group


Year 3


Autumn KV

Spring KV

Summer KV


Year 4


Autumn KV

Spring KV

Summer KV


Year 5


Autumn KV

Spring KV

Summer KV


Year 6


Autumn KV

Spring KV

Summer KV